For Businesses

Businesses are vital to the success of Project SEARCH Toronto
Here are a few ways you can get involved:
- Contact us to talk about your talent needs and learn how Project SEARCH Toronto graduates could contribute at your organization.
- Consider supporting Project SEARCH Toronto students’ career exploration and professional development. For example, host a worksite tour or resume review. We are happy to hear from interested organizations and individuals.
- Ask about becoming part of our Business Advisory Council. Council members raise awareness about Project SEARCH Toronto and foster relationships with industry (employers) to support current and future hiring.
contact us at
Benefits to businesses who hire through Project SEARCH Toronto
- Access to a new, diverse, talent stream with skills that match labor needs
- Increased performance and retention in high-turnover, entry-level positions
- Access to a demographic of the economy with intense buying power: people with disabilities represent one of the fastest growing market segments in North America
- Experience increased regional and national recognition through marketing of this unique program
For more information about the benefits of including people who have a disability in your workforce, visit ODEN’s website or contact